Snake Machine is a music factory born from the idea of an artist who is not only a rock woman, but has made and makes her music conceptual art.
The factory wants connect artists and talents who have the same vision with art and concept of Silversnake Michelle.
Silversnake conceives a new idea of music.
She envisions her own factory in which she includes Daniele, her longtime close collaborator, and other artists sharing his vision.
Daniele supports and finances part of this project.
Thus in 2019 the company SOUND AND SENSE LABEL ART srls, by Silversnake and Daniele, was born.
Art has a social role.
It is a cure not only for the artist, but also for the artist’s followers.
With art we evolve together.
By making the viewer feel part of the creative process, who thus becomes a supporter of an art project.
Fairies and knights of the Queendom
Artists who will be joining the factory, will share fundamental elements of Silversnake's artistic vision to create the "Queendom".
A community where we shed skin together to grow and be renewed.
The Machine is simply the extension of the artist.
It is her "haus" where she composes, where she creates.
Her factory is open to other artists who want to collaborate with her.
The machine wants to present music and art, in a different way.
Trying to raise a strong sensoriality.
To build new realities.
Let's dispel a myth.
Art isn't cost-free.
The artist creates and sells the fruit of their labor.
And as such, it is worthy of a value.
The audience then becomes an endorser of a quality art project.
Philosophy behind an idea is important.
All artists embrace the factory's philosophy and subscribe to the manifesto of the founder.
Art as something iridescent and divergent.
Such as the skin of a snake.
Hence the birth of Serpentism.
The aim is to make music perceivable with all the senses and to convey this mood to the audience during performances.
As if it were part of the show itself, of the set design. In order to make music multi-sensory we create events where music, theatre and other arts are combined.
We realize a different kind of merchandising, more innovative and original.
In the WORKS section you will find everything we have realized.
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Music and art factory that presents music in a synaesthetic way and in harmony with other arts.
Registered office: Via Mosè Bianchi 26 Milano
Sede operativa: via Uruguay 7 - Milano
At this LINK you can find State aids received by our company.