SNAKE MACHINE is a haus conceived by SILVERSNAKE MICHELLE, musical and theatrical artist, who realised the divergent vision of arts and music.
The artist wants to present music in a divergent way, combining it with other arts and trying to emphasise multi-sensorial aspects, by returning to the use of matter elements, without denying the digital side.
All artists embrace the factory's philosophy and subscribe to the manifesto of the founder.
1 - Art is not a mere depiction of reality, but it creates one of its own.
2 - The meaning of art is in art itself, but the final aim is to HAND DOWN.
3 - Art is sharing. There is never just one Ego in artistic emotion.
In performance there is cohesion, matching, tuning or dystonia.
At the end, individualities go back home. But more conscious, enriched. They will come back to seek each other and to create. Together, stronger.
4 - Art is proud. We do not beg for audience consent at any cost, but we stay true to ourselves and to our essence and vision of things.
The artist is devoted to creation and is not caught up in commercial and social strategies in which he expose his private life, often through fiction to please his audience, to achieve fame. This form of success is a cop- out.
It's not sincere. Neither towards the audience, nor towards ourselves. The artist should not pursue popularity, but rather immortality.
5 - Art is real, virtuality can assist, but it can never supplant the real.
Social media are used to notify events/performances, to create a contact with reality.
They can convey flashes of art.
Virtual is NEVER a replacement for reality. The machine wants to destroy false icons (digital iconoclasm).
6 - The artist must be in connected with Nature and try to harmoniously integrate the arts into it without disfigurement.
7 - The artist creates with his own symbolic, metaphorical and hermetic language.
8 - The artist must be seductive (so telling everything about himself removes curiosity, he must, if anything, provide a glimpse).
9 - Art is free, genuine, strong, brave, divergent.
10 - Art is changeable and iridescent.
The artist can change path or vision; this will be part of his or her natural growth process and will not occur to please the system.
The artist embraces the work of his colleagues.
If we do not like something, it does not mean that it is bad or devoid of artistic value, it just does not make our strings vibrate.
Or we are not akin to that language.
It could still be a cue to open up to new sonorities or visions.
11 - Art is not subject to the judgement of others and comes out of the box and out of clichés.
Snake Machine wants to become a virtuous model.
Also on issues such as environmental sustainability and inclusion.
Not rhetorical and hypocritical, but true.
Without forcing. Without categorisations.
We want to shake and wake consciences.
The wakeable ones of course.
And we are well aware that many people will rather sleep.
We foster both culture and non-culture of this time, without flowering it or stuffing it with false truths.
We want to hand down this era, its system and our mistrust of it.
So that future could be different.
To know about us:
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To know about our products:
Music and art factory that presents music in a synaesthetic way and in harmony with other arts.
Registered office: Via Mosè Bianchi 26 Milano
Sede operativa: via Uruguay 7 - Milano